Inspirational Message (130-136)


  1. Let the stars that grace the sky at night equal your happiness..Emily Ndung'u - Republic of Kenya

  2. Men may say your success is IMPOSSIBLE.They may be right,because you have a God of "I AM THAT I AM + POSSIBILITY = I'M POSSIBLE".He can solve IMPOSSIBLE situations to become "I'M POSSIBLE...OKEDS(NIGERIA)

  3. Love is only part of life not the heart of life. Anonymous - Sri Lanka

  4. There is a hand behind the rising of the sun, a hand behind the rising of the moon. The same hand is behind you working out your rising. Taiwo Oni, U.I. Nigeria

  5. Let "I" be the enlightenment and never "EGO" As "I" if it becomes "EGO" makes you think that "I am separate from God"-Latha -India

  6. when in a cross road, you feel there is no moving forward its not worth it,look back,remember where u re coming from,where you've been, how he has brought u this far,then u will have a reason to make it.........Sandra irelen

  7. How high I aim,how much I see,how far I reach depends on me. Anonymous - Jamaica

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Inspirational Message (130-136) Inspirational Message (130-136) Reviewed by martin on 2:38 PM Rating: 5

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